This page is a sub-page of our page on First Class Mathematics.
Related KMR pages:
• Math Makers versus Math Fakers
• Reawakening Interest
Three different processes/projects:
1) Math Bandages: Stopping the bleeding.
Goal: Increasing the throughput.
Focus on: Backward competency-gaps revealed by exam-failures.
Method: Pedagogical “bottle-neck” interventions.
2) From Math Faking to Math Making.
[Math Making = constructing and connecting mathematical models]
[Math Faking = memorizing algorithms to pass exams]
Goal: Reawakening the interest for – and increasing the engagement with – mathematics.
Focus on: Forward curiosity-gaps generated by encounters with fresh structures.
Method: Hosting and Mediating an Evolving Learning Conversation
based on “PeopleSMART” frameworks and tools that support:
• MetaMathematics, which can express the discourse that describes mathematics,
where we can write expressions such as M_{athematics} = H_{om}(U_{niverse}, M_{ind}) .
• Conceptual Modeling, which can provide conceptual maps
that are an important part of the description of almost anything.
• Mathematics Design, which deals with what we are trying to achieve and how we can achieve it by designing and constructing different kinds of mathematical structures/systems/models.
• Mathematese, which is the formula-based language of mathematics.
3) Math-Ed Rehab: Rehabilitating the victims of math-ed abuse.
Goal: Reconnect with your belief in your ability to understand.
• Provide fresh structural examples. They are less likely to provoke the old demons.
• Learn to endure longer and longer periods of “feeling stupid” without losing your focus and your self-esteem. The reward of “enlightenment” is stronger the longer you have endured.