Mikael Nilsson's thesis defence / disputation

Time: December 15 2010, 13:00 - 17:00
Place: Sal F3, KTH
Lindstedtsvägen 26
Stockholm, Sweden
Mikael Nilsson defends his thesis in Media technology.
"From Interoperability to Harmonization in Metadata Standardization - Designing an Evolvable Framework for Metadata Harmonization"
The session is open to the public, and will be broadcast via Bambuser: http://bambuser.com/channel/m94mni
The final version of the thesis is available here: http://kmr.nada.kth.se/~mini/thesis/Final.pdf
Opponent: Prof. Stuart Sutton, Information School, University of Washington, US
Examination Committée:
Prof. Jan Pawlowski, Dept, of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Dr. Nikos Manouselis, Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET), Athens, Greece
Prof. Stefan Arnborg, CSC/KTH
Mikael Nilsson lägger fram sin avhandling i Medieteknik:
Texten finns här: http://kmr.nada.kth.se/~mini/thesis/Final.pdf
Tillställningen är öppen för alla intresserade! Den kommer även att sändas via Bambuser: http://bambuser.com/channel/m94mni