Work TODO and DONE
Urgent or Transients
- Conzilla - keyboard focus missing on startupmap in applet
People and meetings
- Plan for LUISA KMR - internal workshop.
- Arrange meeting regarding strap-on keyboard
- Meet with Hannes Ebner
- Conzilla stylesheets
- Conzilla & WebDAV
- Irritating keyboard focus problem with Conzilla
- Conzilla - Make sure edit marks container as edited.
- Conzilla - Remeber preferred grid between sessions.
- Conzilla - enlarge popups when zooming.
- Conzilla - mark content, mix blue for surf, red for view = purple for both.
- Conzilla - view should mark the concept as dark red.
- Conzilla functionality - make maps and content removable
- Conzilla - Change type for relations
Technical Administration
- Update blog (input from mini 16/jan 06)
- Install xfree86-driver-synaptics
Reading and Writing
- SHAME article
- read up on MOF <--> RDF på
- Gordana thesis final read through - 20/1
- Conzilla maps about PROLearn RoadMapping - 25/1 06
- Comments on Pär's thesis. - 30/1 06
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