The Third Prototype - The Rolling Doughnut
The third GoK prototype was developed in 1996-97 by a group of people that included Rikard Linde, Ambjörn Naeve, Kenneth Olausson, Katarina Skantz, Bo Westerlund, Fredrik Winberg and Kristina Åsvärn through a work-process that is described in [(10)]. The prototype made use of symmetry as a means to illuminate structural relationships between mathematics and music. It also introduced some interesting interface design ideas, and was nick-named the "rolling doughnut", because of its double wrap-around type of navigational connectivity. The rolling doughnut also provided a continous form of semantic zooming - without losing the overview of the conceptual configuration. The prototype was produced as a CD-rom, and is documented in Swedish in [(7)] and in English in [(10)].