The Knowledge Management Research Group

Design goals

The Garden of Knowledge

  • is the name of a multi-mediated learning-tool project which aims to develop IT-supported methods to create an interdisciplinary understanding of the perceptual and conceptual world.
  • has a first prototype that uses symmetry in order to illuminate and explain some of the structural connections between mathematics and music.
  • is aiming to develop an educational framework for the creation of interactive and individualized forms of learning experiences.
  • is being developed in accordance with the evolving (de facto) standard for Knowledge Components on the Internet that is administered and coordinated by the IMS project.
  • is structured on the patterns of a Knowledge Manifold with access to a global network of Knowledge Components.
  • can be regarded as a kind of Knowledge Patchwork - consisting of a number of linked Knowledge Patches - each with its own individual Knowledge Gardener.
  • is built from Knowledge Components which are designed with the overall aim to separate "what to teach" from "when to learn" - making use of multiple narration techniques.
  • contains a distributed archive of Components which Composers can navigate through in order to connect "what to teach" with "when to learn" by composing components in order to construct different kinds of Learning Experiences.
  • contains a mixture of theoretical and experimental forms of interactive environments that give the users the opportunity to:
    • ask questions and search for corresponding Learning Sources.
    • formulate and store different responses to their learning experiences.
    • follow and place links into the reference literature or the network.
  • uses conceptual modeling in order to enable:
    • navigation of conceptual contexts
    • content based information search
    • aspect-filtration of conceptual content
    • competence-profiling of Knowledge Sources.
    • conceptual calibration of Knowledge Gardeners.
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