The Knowledge Management Research Group


As a student doing a degree/thesis project within the KMR-group we would like you to use two tools to manage your thesis-work, a wiki-page and a blog. This is not a requirement, but we believe that it will help both you in your work and us in the process. How we would like you to use them is described below. Since we supervise or assist to supervise thesis-projects from different schools and institutes the requirements from our side might be similar to what is already expected from your school or institute, so they can hopefully be combined.

Usage of the thesis Wiki-page

A wiki is a tool to easily update and maintain webpages. Different system exist that uses different syntaxes, but they are all in general quite easy to learn. In case you do not know what a wiki-page is, read more here: (länk)

We would like you to have a wiki-page that contains the following:

  • The full description/studyplan of the project
  • All planned deadlines
    • If the deadlines are changed, keep a record of them
  • List all possible requirements from your school/institute with:
    • What has to be done (for example getting your studyplan approved)
    • When it is planned to be done
  • A link to your blog

Usage of the thesis-blog

We believe one good way to keep track of the work being done is to write a blog. This way you as a thesis worker get to describe your progress and it will be a central place for both to keep track of the progress and also further understand problems that have occured. We would like you to write a blog-entry one time every week and then try to summarize:

  • The progress from the last week/blog entry
  • The main issues right now for you
  • Problems and questions that you believe needs to be discussed

Conzilla-blog (?)

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