APAMEQ – Aggregated Product Assessment Model for Environment and Quality
When deciding which product to purchase there is a range of value scales to consider. The most common value scales are obviously price and quality of the product, but environmental and societal aspects are increasingly looked upon as well. A product could in principle provide more and more information on the outside of the package as the current trend is today. However, as the amount of information increases, another approach is needed. This is due to several things, for example that the amount of space on the package is limited, that the information required may be drawn from non formal sources such as a community, and that the need for technological support in making informed decisions based on personal preferences.
We propose to develop a common assessment model where different values are represented. Each product are assessed in different value scales by combining input from different organizations such as Krav, EU-blomman, Svanen, Greenpeace, Fair Trade, or for that matter a community that can be expert groups or a network of friends.
Each consumer has the option to select or unselect the sources / organizations / communities that are to be considered when calculating the values of a product, e.g. if a person distrusts or disagrees with greenpeace he or she may disregard their influence of the products total values. Finally, the person also has a personal profile which is a weight on each value scale. Based on the product values and the personal profile a single value can be calculated for a product, this value can be used to make recommendations between similar products.
A website for product recommendations would be useful to investigate individual products in depth or generate shopping lists for more common products on a daily basis. In the latter case, the consumer may use the specific shop as a parameter to find out which products that are available for her. Another alternative is to use the mobile phone to scan barcodes of several products to make a valued judgment on the fly when in the store.
An idea, for all those that choose a specific profile, treat them together and use input from the project "ekokvitto" to generate a total number of the environmental effect, i.e. "you and all those that with you have chosen the environmental profile have decreased the amount of unnecessary fertilizers by 20 000 tons per year, congratulations!". By treating them as a group you will provide impressive numbers and additionally give a feeling of community.
Check http://www.ean.se/
Check http://gepir.ean.se/
GPC/UNSPC classifications systems
Framtida Handel, se område 1,2, och 3. Framförallt 2.1 och 2.2 :-)