Related online material

My books

Solar physics

  • Meinel, A. B., Meinel, M. P., Applied Solar Energy: An Introduction, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachussets, Third Printing, 1977 (1976), ISBN 0-201-04719-5.
  • Waugh, A., Sundials: Their Theory and Construction, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1973, ISBN 0-486-22947-5.
  • International Rectifier Solar Cell and Photocell Handbook, International Rectifier Corporation, Seventh Printing, 1965.


  • Wilson, M., and the Editors of LIFE, Energy, Time Incorporated, New York, 1963.

Alternative Energy

  • Boyle, G., Harper, P. (Eds.), Radical Technology: Food, Shelter, Tools, Materials, Energy, COmmunication, Autonomy, Community, Pantheon Books, Random House, New York, 1976, ISBN 0-394-73093-3.
  • Howell, Y., Bereny, J. A., Engineer's Guide to Solar Energy, Solar Energy Information Services, San Mateo, California, 1979, ISBN 0-930978-04-8.
  • Norton, T. W., Hunter, D., C., Cheng, R. J., Solar Energy Experiments: For High School and College Students, Rodale Press, Inc., Emmaus, PA, 1977, ISBN 0-87857-179-5.
  • Shaeffer, J., (Ed.), Alternative Energy Sourcebook 1991, A Comprehensive Collection of the Finest Energy-Sensible Technologies, Foreword by Amory Lovins, Real Goods Trading Corporation, Ukiah, California, 1991, ISBN 0-916571-01-7.
  • Sundström T., Populär Energi: En studie i naturfilosofi med utgångspunkt från begreppen Energi, Exergi, Ordning och Information, Forum för Tvärvetenskap, Fysiska Institutionen, Umeå Universitet, 1979.

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