- FLIT: Flexibelt Lärande med IT förstärkning (in Swedish). Ett samarbete mellan KMR-gruppen, Stiftelsen Företagsam, Utbildningsradion och Ericsson Education.
- Virtual Mathematics Explainatorium: Mathematics presented in the form of a Knowledge Manifold.
- Matemagi™ Ett samarbetsprojekt mellan KMR-gruppen och AMT (Advanced Media Technology) Laboratoriet.
- Geometric Algebra: The shocking truth about the design flaws of mainstream analytic geometry.
- Matriks: Lärresurser och Erfarenhetstorg i Matematik (Learning Resources and Experience Agoras, in Swedish). Ett samarbetsprojekt mellan 6 olika universitet och högskolor samt Utbildningsradion, finansierat av Nätuniversitetet och Kungliga Biblioteket.
- First Class Mathematics: Focusing on Real Mathematics from the Beginning of the First School Year.
- PRAO: Mathematics Rehabilitation Clinic for 8:th graders.
- The Garden of Knowledge: Focusing on Symmetry as a Connection between Mathematics and Music.
- Projective Drawing Board: An Interactive 2D Program for Studying Projective and Metric Geometry.
- CyberMath: An Interactive 3D Program for Studying Mathematical Transformations.
Historical Student Projects
- MapCon? (1984): Visualizing conformal mappings of the complex plane.
- DrawBoard? (1986): Interactive 2D projective geometry on a Lisp machine (Interlisp 1108).
- MacWallpaper (1987): Generating the 17 wallpaper patterns from a drawing of a primitive domain.
- MacDrawBoard (1988): Interactive 2D projective geometry on a Macintosh II.
- HyperFlow (1988): Simulating the workings of a computer.
- MapAnalyze (1989): Visualizing mathematical transformations.
- PrimeTime (1992): Defending yourself by arithmetic.
- S-Reflections? (1994): Generating wave-front reflections on a Symbolics Lisp machine.