Supporting Competence Management within Knowledge-Intensive Organizations
(Att stödja kompetensutveckling inom kunskapsintensiva organisationer)
Due to the evolving nature of technology-related industries and the products and services they offer, there is a need for companies and their employees to continually develop in order to stay competitive. Therefore, competence development has been an on-going process within large parts of technology-driven industry. However, a faster moving marketplace has made company executives less inclined to invest time and money in activities that are not directly revenue generative. As a result, competence development has been given a lower priority in order to minimize productivity down-time.
At the same time, the hardware and software systems used in technology-driven industries are also being developed at a faster rate and with shorter product cycles. In order to stay competitive, companies are forced to adapt to the ever-moving market setting by integrating these new systems in the productivity pipeline. This integration process creates a recurring need for competence development in order for employees to efficiently use the technology in question. However, the continuous need for competence development does not coincide well with the lack of competence-related investments and may result in productivity loss and stalling support expenses.
The above mentioned paradox makes apparent that there is a need for more efficient ways of managing operational competence development. This masters thesis work aims to investigate how competence management theory can be applied in a real-world productive environment as well as some of the possible consequences thereof. The work will be carried out by connecting current research in the field with the operational competence development situation at Ericsson. By doing so, suggestions can be made how to improve Ericsson’s related processes in order to maximize throughput and minimize productivity down-time. An extensive literature study, and an analysis of the competence management at Ericsson will constitute the core of the thesis report. The work will be done in continuous dialogue with Ambjörn Naeve at the KMR group as well as Göran Dahlström at Ericsson to ensure a high academic quality and industrial applicability.
Time plan:
- Metodkurs avslutad: 06-10-13
- Litteraturstudie påbörjad: 06-10-16
- Litteraturstudie avslutad: 06-10-27
- Rapportskrivning påbörjad: Inledning och bakgrund: 06-10-30
- Rapportskrivning påbörjad: Teori och metod: 06-11-06
- Förberedelse, fältstudier, användarstudier: 06-11-17
- Fältstudier, användarstudier genomförda: 06-12-01
- Rapportskrivning påbörjad: Genomförande och resultat: 06-12-04
- Rapportskrivning påbörjad: Analys och diskussion: 06-12-18
- Första utkast av fullständig rapport skickad till handledare: 07-01-12
- Slutgiltig rapport: 07-01-26
- Ambjörn Naeve, KMR/KTH
- Thomas Jerpseth, IBM Global Business Services
- Göran Dahlström, Ericsson IT Management